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Rude Awokenings vol. I (DIGITAL ZINE)

Regular price $11.11 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.11 USD
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This listing is for a digital PDF of the zine, available to download upon purchase. To order a hardcopy, go here!

Rude Awokenings is a serial zine sharing one artist's wrong-thinking socialist perspectives on all things leftism, identitarianism, social media, solidarity and whatever else is on my dang mind.

In this first issue, I go ballz to the wallz. Topics include OCD, racial purity politics, unborn babies duking it out with long-dead ancestors, Jesus Christ, self-loathing and of course, cancel culture. I hope you enjoy it! — Bebe

sliding scale pricing:
$22.22 — self-publishing star
invests in my long-term capacity as an independent artist.

$14.00 — zine fiend
covers my time spent writing, designing and tech-wrangling.

$11.11 — PDF pal
covers my time spent designing and tech-wrangling.