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  • Photo of Other Shameless Things zine cover. Risograph printed by Bebe Montoya.
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Other Shameless Things

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 USD
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I know that I could do it now. I have the strength and resolve to say no in all the ways I couldn’t back then.

No you will not touch me.
No you will not test my boundaries
No you will not spread lies about me.
No you will not beat me down into submission.

But I can’t go back and do it all again.

Yet on some level, that past version of myself is still alive. And she knows that I’m here now, and I will fight for her, fight for us, whenever I need to, for the rest of my life. I get to be me because she held on for dear life, spent years in a waking nightmare to deliver me to this point. We understand each other. We have cared for each other across time. And even though I can’t redo the past, I think knowing I made it this far is somehow the same thing to her. We made it out of the story. So finally, she can let it all go.

- excerpt from Ten Years Later

This zine is my heart broken open, turned inside out and laid at the altar of our shared humanity. It is the re-emergence into life after devastation, the breaking of the chrysalis, the pain joyfully embraced along with the love. And yes, because I'm still me, it all happens as I'm screaming, crying, laughing and throwing up all at the same time. What did you expect? You can take the bitch out of the dumb, but you can't take the dumb out of the bitch, bitch.

If you read only one of my zines, let it be this one. It is my deepest undefended offering of everything I know to be true about this fucked up crazy beautiful mystery of a life we're all living together.

I hope you enjoy. —Bebe

about the zine:
size: 4.25in x 5.5in
risograph-printed cover using vegetable-based ink on uncoated paper
cover illustration, text layout and assembly done by hand in Portland, OR
ships to US, UK & Canada!

sliding scale pricing:
$22.22 — sustainability star
invests in my long-term capacity as an independent artist.

$14.00 — zine fiend
covers the cost of materials and time spent writing, illustrating, printing and assembling the zine.

$11.11 — printing pal
covers the cost of materials and some time spent printing and assembling.